Ordering A Golf Package: 4 Practical Tips To Save Your Money

Travelers getting ready for golf break or golf holiday know it can be pretty expense purchasing a golf package. Using a package can help save money when you know where to buy one at a good price. There are packaged deals with discounts on green fees and hotel accommodations. Of course, travelers need to know where and how to find these deals. In a nutshell, use a reputable golf package provider, compare packages available, book early if possible, and plan an agenda on how much you anticipate on spending or set a budget. Here are 4 tips on how to save when ordering a golf package.

  1. Look for deals including special discounts, free nights, and early booking specials. These deals may be found through various sites but all discounts are not the same. Some may actually be better than others depending on details. As you come across such information compare what you find. There are packages available for the same locations through different carriers. This means you can get a good deal when you find it at the best rate.
  2. Promotional offers can also offer savings such as reward programs, all day play passes, and other unique special offers for specific destinations. There are golf courses that offer package details with promotional offers worth reviewing. These offers are helpful if you plan to stay for an extended time period.
  3. Get a quote. It may include a hotel and golf or one without the other. This may also include arrival and departure dates. There are providers that offer a quote so you can get a basic idea on what you will spend. This makes it easy to compare costs and know what services and fees are included. Keep in mind a quote may not actually tell you how much you will pay exactly, but it gives a good idea on what you can expect to pay if you decide to purchase that package.
  4. Book tee times early. In some cases you can avoid transaction fees when booking tee time up to 3 months in advance. Booking early can save money no matter where you plan to travel. In some cases booking early is the only way to lock in a promotional deal or special rate. There are packages that may mention what you save if you book by a specific time period.